
Friday, February 1, 2008

Creating Reflecting Text in Fireworks

Web 2.0 is very useful for designing websites. I have began to notice more and more designers using reflecting text for a sleek logo design. In this post, I will teach you how to create the effect of text reflecting on a shiny surface. When using Adobe Fireworks to create this effect, the steps are very simple.


1) Open Fireworks and Create a New Page.

2) Add text. For this example, I will use this text:

You can use which ever text or font that you desire, but for simple purposes, I will use this one.

3) Next you will be creating the reflection

4) Copy and Paste the text that you have. Use Ctrl + c for copy and Ctrl + v for paste.

5) Move the pasted text directly below the initial text. Try to line up the text as closely as possible.

6) Flip the bottom text vertically. To do this, select the text, go to Modify, then Transform, and Flip Vertical

7) With the vertically flipped text selected, go to Commands, then Creative, then Fade Image.

8) Choose the option in the Fade Image Dialog Box that depicts the image faded from the bottom.

9) After the image has been faded you will see a black bar to adjust the image fade height. The lower the bar, the more "reflection"

10) When done correctly, your new image will look like this:

If you have any questions or need assistance with this, feel free to leave a comment and I will get back with you!

Happy Designing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this, I have been looking for a way to integrate web 2.0 elements into a page that I am designing. I will recommend your site to everyone.. keep writing!